Internal Communications Editorial Calendar Template

An internal communications (IC) editorial calendar serves the following purposes for internal communicators:

  • Plan and organize online content and events effectively to meet the company’s established objectives.
  • Enhance collaboration within the team and foster better coordination with other departments.
  • Ensure the timely delivery of specific messages, minimizing communication noise.
  • Centralize all internal communication activities in one accessible location.

The current IC editorial calendar includes three worksheets dedicated to 1) online content, 2) events and 3) notes.

The ‘ONLINE’ worksheet contains:

  •  Title/topic
  •  Type (email, interview, blog post etc.)
  •  Publishing date
  •  Description
  •  Objective
  •  Related team
  •  Owner
  •  Status
  •  Link to draft
  •  Related assets
  •  Audience

The ‘EVENTS’ worksheet contains:

  •  Name
  •  Type (town hall, ‘ask CEO, etc.)
  •  Date
  •  Time
  •  Organizer
  •  Status
  •  Location
  •  Objective
  •  Related team
  •  Estimated attendance
  •  Actual attendance
  •  Promotional assets
  •  Resources/documents
  •  Equipment
  •  Production notes


The ‘NOTES’ worksheet is dedicated to additional comments related to specific IC activities. 


*** In the ‘Types’ worksheet you can change the values according to your needs and/or hide it from the tab bar. 


Strategic Internal Communications Editorial Calendar Download Free Template

Photo : Unsplash

Internal communications editorial calendar template C. L. A. P.
Internal communications editorial calend
Microsoft Excel Table 54.5 KB


Written by Liudmila Kazak